Price List

Pricelist is valid from 1.10.2012

Websites & Programming

Service Type Description Price/EUR Price/CZK
LIGHT web implementation code implementation of simple web where graphic was provided by other party 332,8 8 320
PROFI web implementation code implementation of complex web where graphic was provided by other party 459,2 11 480
full LIGHT web graphic + code full LIGHT website delivered by PROGRESSIVE 433,2 10 830
full PROFI web graphic + code full PROFI website delivered by PROGRESSIVE 588,0 14 700
multi-language support for PROFI web code every additional language 48,0 1 200
RSS feeds code implementation of RSS feeds into the website 32,8 820
service code price per hour 24,0 600
programming code price per hour 27,2 680
content management code price per hour 15,2 380


Service Type Description Price/EUR Price/CZK
graphic design for LIGHT* web graphics 2 graphic layouts, 2 templates
109,2 2 730
graphic design for PROFI** web graphics 2 graphic layouts, 4 templates
151,2 3 780
design of logo graphics 2 different variants 74,4 1 860
design of business card graphics 2 different variants 42,0 1 050
bulletin, poster graphics 2 different variants, min. price 67,2 1 680
other graphic works graphics specific projects, additional amends - price per hour 17,6 440
cancellation fee graphics payment for executed work in case that the final graphics is rejected 50% from the
graphics price

*LIGHT web is a simple web presentation having up to 10 pages and basic administration system
**PROFI web is a complex web solution where customer has a full control over the website structure and content, administration through PROGRESSIVE web system


Cost of training session depends on system to be trained, duration of training session, number of participants and location.

Number of participants per one session is limited to 10. Price is 39 EUR / 1.000 CZK for the first hour, every following hour costs 23 EUR / 600 CZK.

Type of training Duration Price/EUR Price/CZK
Training for LIGHT Web module, 2 participants 1 hour 39 1.000
Training for PROFI Web module, 15 participants 2 x 3 hours* 170 4.400

* Training of 15 participants needs to be divided in two sessions.

Listed prices include VAT. Please note that these prices are only informative and final price can slightly differ case by case, according to complexity of a project.

We are also willing to provide individual discount for non-profit organizations.